Source code for ria.credibility

# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Junpei Kawamoto
# This file is part of rgmining-ria.
# rgmining-ria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# rgmining-ria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Defines functor classes computing credibility.

Credibility is a function-like class which has __call__ method.
This method receives only one argument, an instance of
:class:`ria.bipartite.Product`, and return a value of credibility.

This module has a helper base class :class:`GraphBasedCredibility`
which provides two helper functions traversing a bipartite graph.

The credibilities defined in this module are;

- :class:`UniformCredibility`
- :class:`WeightedCredibility`

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from common import memoized

[docs]class UniformCredibility(object): """Uniform credibility assigns 1 for every product. Formally, this credibility is defined by .. math:: {\\rm cred}(p) = 1, where *p* is a product. Uniform credibility does not use any arguments to construct. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, *unused_args): pass def __call__(self, product): """ Compute credibility of a given product. Args: product: An instance of :class:`bipartite.Product`. Returns: Always 1. """ return 1.
[docs]class GraphBasedCredibility(object): """Abstract class of credibility using a Bipartite graph. Args: g: A bipartite graph instance. This class provides two helper methods; :meth:`reviewers` and :meth:`review_score`. """ __slots__ = ("_g") def __init__(self, g): """Construct a GraphBasedCredibility with a given graph instance g. Args: g: A bipartite graph instance. """ self._g = g def __call__(self, product): """Compute credibility of a given product. Args: product: An instance of :class:`ria.bipartite.Product`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reviewers(self, product): """Find reviewers who have reviewed a given product. Args: product: An instance of :class:`ria.bipartite.Product`. Returns: A list of reviewers who have reviewed the product. """ return self._g.retrieve_reviewers(product)
[docs] def review_score(self, reviewer, product): """Find a review score from a given reviewer to a product. Args: reviewer: Reviewer i.e. an instance of :class:`ria.bipartite.Reviewer`. product: Product i.e. an instance of :class:`ria.bipartite.Product`. Returns: A review object representing the review from the reviewer to the product. """ return self._g.retrieve_review(reviewer, product).score
[docs]class WeightedCredibility(GraphBasedCredibility): """Credibility using unbiased variance of review scores. Args: g: an instance of bipartite graph. The credibility computed by this class is defined by .. math:: {\\rm cred}(p) = \\begin{cases} 0.5 \\quad \\mbox{if} \\; N_{p} = 1, \\\\ \\frac{\\log N_{p}}{\\sigma^{2} + 1} \\quad \\mbox{otherwise}, \\end{cases} where :math:`N_{p}` is the number of reviews for the product *p* and :math:`\\sigma^{2}` is the unbiased variance of review scores. The unbiased variance is defined by .. math:: \\sigma^{2} = \\frac{1}{N_{p} - 1} \\sum_{r \\in R} \\left( {\\rm review}(r, p) - \\frac{1}{N_{p}}\\sum_{r' \\in r} {\\rm review}(r', p) \\right)^{2}, where :math:`{\\rm review}(r, p)` is a review from reviewer *r* to product *p*. """ @memoized def __call__(self, product): """ Compute credibility of a given product. Args: product: An instance of :class:`bipartite.Product`. Returns: The credibility of the product. It is >= 0.5. """ reviewers = self.reviewers(product) Nq = len(reviewers) if Nq == 1: return 0.5 else: # Computing the unbiased variance of scores. var = np.var([self.review_score(r, product) for r in reviewers], ddof=1) return np.log(Nq) / (var + 1)