Source code for fraud_eagle.likelihood

#  Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Junpei Kawamoto
#  This file is part of rgmining-fraud-eagle.
#  rgmining-fraud-eagle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  rgmining-fraud-eagle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with rgmining-fraud-eagle. If not, see <>.
"""Define likelihood functions.

This module defines a likelihood of a pair of user and product.
See :meth:`psi` for the detailed definition of the likelihood.
from fraud_eagle.labels import ProductLabel, ReviewLabel, UserLabel

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs]def psi(u_label: UserLabel, p_label: ProductLabel, r_label: ReviewLabel, epsilon: float) -> float: """Likelihood of a pair of user and product. The likelihood is dependent on the review of the user gives the product. The review is one of {+, -}. We defined constant representing "+" and "-", thus the review is one of the {:data:`PLUS<fraud_eagle.labels.PLUS>`, :data:`MINUS<fraud_eagle.labels.MINUS>`}. On the other hand, epsilon is a given parameter. The likelihood :math:`\\psi_{ij}^{s}`, where :math:`i` and :math:`j` are indexes of user and produce, respectively, and :math:`s` is a review i.e. :math:`s \\in {+, -}`, is given as following tables. If the review is :data:`PLUS<fraud_eagle.labels.PLUS>`, .. csv-table:: :header: review: +, Product: Good, Product: Bad User: Honest, 1 - :math:`\\epsilon`, :math:`\\epsilon` User: Fraud, 2 :math:`\\epsilon`, 1 - 2 :math:`\\epsilon` If the review is :data:`MINUS<fraud_eagle.labels.MINUS>`, .. csv-table:: :header: review: -, Product: Good, Product: Bad User: Honest, :math:`\\epsilon`, 1 - :math:`\\epsilon` User: Fraud, 1 - 2 :math:`\\epsilon`, 2 :math:`\\epsilon` Args: u_label: user label which must be one of the { \ :data:`UserLabel.HONEST<fraud_eagle.labels.UserLabel.HONEST>`, \ :data:`UserLabel.FRAUD<fraud_eagle.labels.UserLabel.FRAUD>`}. p_label: product label which must be one of the \ {:data:`ProductLabel.GOOD<fraud_eagle.labels.ProductLabel.GOOD>`, \ :data:`ProductLabel.BAD<fraud_eagle.labels.ProductLabel.BAD>`}. r_label: review label which must be one of the \ {:data:`ReviewLabel.PLUS<fraud_eagle.labels.ReviewLabel.PLUS>`, \ :data:`ReviewLabel.MINUS<fraud_eagle.labels.ReviewLabel.MINUS>`}. epsilon: a float parameter in :math:`[0,1]`. Returns: Float value representing a likelihood of the given values. """ if r_label == ReviewLabel.PLUS: if u_label == UserLabel.HONEST: if p_label == ProductLabel.GOOD: return 1 - epsilon elif p_label == ProductLabel.BAD: return epsilon elif u_label == UserLabel.FRAUD: if p_label == ProductLabel.GOOD: return 2 * epsilon elif p_label == ProductLabel.BAD: return 1 - 2 * epsilon elif r_label == ReviewLabel.MINUS: if u_label == UserLabel.HONEST: if p_label == ProductLabel.GOOD: return epsilon elif p_label == ProductLabel.BAD: return 1 - epsilon elif u_label == UserLabel.FRAUD: if p_label == ProductLabel.GOOD: return 1 - 2 * epsilon elif p_label == ProductLabel.BAD: return 2 * epsilon raise ValueError("arguments are invalid")